Apart from Harry Potter, I also finished my sock mokey for July's MOS. Here is my lil man posing with the said monkey. She's called Lopsy cos she's slightly lopsided. That's becos I was rushing to finish a project before the end of the month. (I've still got the apron to finish for Tie one on).

In his hand, you can also see Mr Stegs which was also completed in the week. The pattern is from Jen at xtreme-knitting.com. Mr Stegs was knitted in Rowan Handknit cotton, shade 253 Tape. It was lovely to knit with and the pattern is really easy to follow. It's been to the park, to swimming, play dates and a birthday party. As you can see, it really needs a wash.

Also, a big thank you to Teresa at Sewing Stars for the lovely little monkey plushie. She is gorgeous and my lil cheeky monkey loves it lots.