Monday, June 04, 2007

Knitting workshop

I have had such a fabulous time on Saturday. I signed up for the Professional Finishing Techniques course held at Stash and taken by Debbie Abrahams. I had persuaded Kate to come too. And we met Fiona and Heather. Being a mainly self taught knitter, I've kinda fudged my way through quite a lot of the finishing of a garment. Boy, am I glad I went. Debbie is a wonderful teacher - very knowledgeable, approachable and enthuastic. What's great was also knitters sharing experiences and tips with each other.

The course was based around knitting and finishing a sweater for teddy which has all the elements of full sized garment. So , I turned all this.......

into this.....

Teddy is one happy bunny. Did you notice the contrast colour neckband? It wasn't intentional. I've been having pregnancy related forgetfulness and just plain forgot to bring my yarn and notes! But I managed..... I'm very proud of my mattress stitch. Look - all perfectly matched up and you can't see the purple yarn which I used for sewing up!

Now I just need to finish up some of my WIPs to practise my professional finishing!


RooKnits said...

Isn't mattress stitch magic? Such a good idea to practice on a mini garment. Teddy looks very cool now. Hope the pregnancy is going well.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to meet you on Saturday ! I echo all your sentiments about Debbie and the course- I had a great time and learned so much.
My daughter was over the moon with the sweater and now is instructing me on what all her other teddies need! Hope to see you maybe on a Wednesday at Stash?- I'm sure you would enjoy it!

mary said...

I love how it all came together so beautifully! Brava!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the mattress stitch. It is truly magical (and invisible). It makes finishing that much more enjoyable. Great job on the mini sweater!!

kathy b said...

I see a finishing career ahead????

lovely bear sweater. I CANNOT see the purple yarn. You are good! so good.

Rain said...

It sounds like an amazing workshop and that you can away with some great new skills. Teddy's jumper looks very professional.

ra said...

ooh I need to do that too. at the moment I just knit things that don't need sewing up, but knowing how to finish off properly would be fab. Lovely job on that jumper, bet teddy is showing off to all the other toys now!