Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby bell bottoms

I used to enjoy summer. The prospect of going on holiday and relaxing, barbeques and not having the kids on a strict regime for school and activities. But since being back to London, with no help and no extra entertainers (I mean grandparents and extended family), I have had enough of the kids. The constant attention and entertainment and cooking and cleaning after them is KILLING me. Plus the extremely crap weather in London has meant we've spent a lot of time indoors.

I have had very little time for anything else. Luckily, I booked them into a summer Day Camp program for this week, and I'll only have one baby for most of the day. this means I get a chance to get on the computer and update my blog!

I signed up for Ravelympics for a few events and heaven knows, how I'm going to manage as we've got less than a week left. I've managed to finished one project - Baby bell bottoms. I made this for Zoe in the 12 month old size. Unfortunately, it's still a bit too big. I'll arrange for the modelled shot in a few months time.

Pattern - Baby Bell bottoms by Alison Hansel
Yarn - Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Pink-a-boo (1 skein) and Tea Rose (0.3 skeins)
Needle - 4mm
It was a relatively quick knit and I love cotton fleece. It wears well and is soft yet strong. I hope Zoe likes this.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Thank you for your honesty Ling. It is an exhausting time in your life. THe bell bottoms are adorable. Enjoy the time that is yours this week.