I just wanted to show that I have been knitting. This is sock one of Embossed Leaves sock and I am making slow progress on sock 2.

I have also been spinning. This is my first full skein of yarn!! YAY! The pink/purple single is BFL dyed by Dianne and the cream is superwash BFL. I think i have about 120 feet of yarn which is a bit uneven, overly twisted in parts and a bit badly plied in others. But I'm very proud of my first attempt. I think it will be knitted up into a cowl/scarf for Keira, who loves the colours.

ANd finally, I'm off to meet the Yarn Harlot tomorrow at the IKnit day!! Hurray!!! (Completely off topic, the IKnit day will be held at The Royal Horticultural Halls in Victoria, in London. This was the venue of my Law Society Final Exams 15 years ago! It brought a tiny shiver to my spine!)
Sock one is beautiful Ling! Love it. The color is so sweet. Here's to more time to knit!
Lucky you to get to see YarnHarlot! Have fun
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